Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ethics Statement

I am an L.D.S. Woman.

In all things, I will strive to build upon my understanding of, and my relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Each choice and action, even the most mundane, will be willingly and conscientiously directed toward him.  This attitude will allow me to grow and develop characteristics which reflect my commitment to covenants I have made.  Some of these characteristics include faithfulness, loyalty dependability, industriousness, peacefulness, preparedness and being service minded.

I have heard someone mention that whatever we do, do it as if doing it unto the Lord.  This attitude has been something I have worked to develop within myself for many years.  It has helped me become a better mother in ways I never would have seen before.  Often the chores of motherhood are mundane to say the least and I fail to find joy in my tasks.  When I remember this simple attitude even the smallest chores like folding socks becomes a joyful action celebrating my place and those I love the most.

I believe this same attitude carries over to other areas of my life, from callings, to paying my bills, and to my relationships with my family and those I come into contact with in the community.  I also believe it will carry with me as I re-enter the workforce.  If all I do is directed to the Lord, then there is no need to cheat, anger or make life difficult for another. With every choice I am forced to ponder the question of if I would perform the same way if I was actually doing it for, or to, the Lord. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder to find joy in the mundane! Very nice post.

    1. Hello, Friend. I miss you. Thanks for the note. I didn't realize this was going out to anyone other than my professor so I am glad you like it. I noticed it had been a full year since I had written anything on the family blog so I transferred these posts there as well. Funny how it took a classroom assignment to get me to do this again. What ever it takes to get the job done, I guess. Love ya.
