Saturday, February 20, 2016

A Little Venting and Some Excellent Advice

I am not a New Year’s resolution type of girl.  January first seldom marks a time when I am starting a new goal for myself.  I prefer to work on goals year round and start them when I know they will work for me.  I also prefer to make goals in which I develop something rather than refrain from something I am already doing. (Instead of not eating sugar, I will add more vegetable to my diet.)  For this and other reasons, one particular assignment I have this semester is about to put me over the edge in frustration. It is a goal setting project.  Are you kidding me?  Goal setting and accomplishment is part of my daily life.  I seldom have a time when I am not working on one goal or another.   This assignment fills me with angst!
Imagine my delight when one of my professors suggested reading “How I became a Morning Person, Read More Books, and Learned a Language in a Year.”  It was exactly how I feel about making goals.  It pin-pointed the areas of irritation I have over this assignment.  One, I already have goals I was working on.  This assignment just made me have more.  Having too many goals at once is usually what makes people fail.  If we work on one, maybe two things at a time, then we are more likely to have success.  This assignment required there to be several.  Two, there is mental preparation involved in goal setting, this assignment did not allow for that.  I take my goal setting seriously.  I spend time contemplating the areas where I need to improve.  I pray for guidance as I seek to find ways to develop into the woman my Lord wants me to be, the woman He sees in me.  Although the goals I set for the class are good, they are not the things I was lead to by the spirit.  They were just additional things that most people need to do.  I don’t see them as improving my life, not really.  (So here is something else I need to work on!  Attitude!)
The best advice I got from the article was the principle of stacking goals.  To do this, use a habit which is already formed, and when you do it, add the new goal to it.  I like this triggering mechanism and I am excited to try it.  I think it is a tool capable of helping me achieve even greater things! I am working on devising a plan to put the irritating assignment goals with things I already do.  Maybe this way I will feel a sense of accomplishment over them.

$100 challenge.
At the moment, this project is in a standstill.  There are no lessons being done this week or next.  They begin on the 29th.  I am wishing I had planned them to start sooner. 

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