Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Best of People

“I always prefer to believe the best of everybody; it saves so much trouble”
Rudyard Kipling

This was a quote I heard this morning at a Stake Relief Society meeting.  I think it stuck with me because of the Acton Hero Catherine Rohr.  I liked what she had to say, not so much about business, but about people. 
Rohr leads a program teaching prison inmates business principles and helps them establish businesses upon their release.  She spoke candidly about her previously unkind impression of these men, and how she learned to love them.
I have lost some students from my $100 challenge, (a family) to a competitor who will teach them for a longer period of time.  I find this frustrating.  I don't have a contract, so they are free to go, but we did have a verbal agreement to work through the month.   I think they could have easily waited to start with the new teacher until after our four weeks was done.  During the “Interview with an Entrepreneur” the subject of getting taken advantage of, came up.  The owner I talked to said it was one of his biggest frustrations.  He said “People will screw you if they can.”  I didn’t give this statement enough credibility.  I thought it couldn’t possibly be true.  I am finding that it is and I am disappointed.  
I hope to get to a point in business where I have developed relationships which don't require a contract.  I want my word to be good enough, and the word of my associates to be the same. I want to see the best in people and not become jaded by a few bad experiences. 

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